Conference Tracks
Learn From and Engage With the Top Experts in Preventive Medicine
Preventive Medicine 2024 will feature four content tracks:
- Innovations in Preventive Medicine Workforce and Opportunities
- Community and Population Health Clinical and Lifestyle Medicine
- Clinical Preventive Medicine
- Global Health
Learn More About the Conference Tracks
Innovations in Preventive Medicine
Chair: Michele Soltis MD, MPH, FACPM
Vice Chair: Terra Forward MD, MBA, MPH
The Innovations in Preventive Medicine track aims to inspire attendees by detailing both current and future opportunities in preventive medicine and to inform attendees of new developments and novel directions within the specialty. This track offers lectures and panel discussions highlighting exciting professional experiences, specialty updates, preventive medicine instruction in the undergraduate, graduate, and continuing medical education settings, and networking engagements. Innovations in Preventive Medicine includes topics of interest for students, preventive medicine residents and physicians in all career stages:
- Strategies and tools for current trainees to pursue and secure employment opportunities
- Opportunities to support and encourage the contributions of senior-level physicians in growing the specialty
- Discussions on building and strengthening the preventive medicine specialty pipeline
- Innovative strategies for preventive medicine training to position the specialty for the future
- Conversations on the roles of preventive medicine physicians in developing the public health workforce
- Skills-building workshops (e.g., negotiations, social media and public communication writing, developing poster and podium presentations, risk communication, advocacy, writing for scientific publications)
Community and Population Health
Chair: Jennifer Chevinsky MD, MPH, FACPM, DipABLM
Vice Chair: Wilnise Jasmin MD, MBA, MPH
The Community and Population Health track will provide attendees with up-to-date research, information, and best practices regarding the application of preventive medicine for the promotion and preservation of population health and wellbeing at the various levels of governmental public health, including national, state, and local, as well as through institutional, academic, and other programs and initiatives. This track highlights research, public health initiatives, projects, programs, and other preventive medicine work that is conducted among and across populations, including but not limited to the following areas of emphasis:
- Strategies to advance health equity that challenge, mitigate, or reverse social determinants or environmental determinants of health for various populations (e.g., age, race, LGBTQI)
- Identifying quality and evidence-based approaches to population health (e.g., through community-based participatory research, community needs assessments)
- Implementing evidence-based population-level programs in public health, clinical practice, and community settings (e.g., immunizations, screening, health education, outbreak response, disaster preparedness)
- Innovative efforts to transform public health departments that are linked to improving the health of the population(s) they serve
- Healthcare systems transformation efforts that expand access or improve population health delivery (e.g., system re-design, payment reforms, or implementation of a “learning health system” approach)
- Working with governmental bodies to effect legislative, regulatory, or other policy changes
- Effecting change within governmental bodies as a staff member, expert, advisor, or other volunteer roles
- Writing position pieces to advocate for prevention and population health
- Increasing support for public health efforts at the community, local, state, and federal level
- Discussing the role of “big data” to transform care (e.g., innovative change management and technical applications that support and drive policy goals while reducing provider burden, the role and impact of artificial intelligence in prevention)
- Using large data sets such as NHANES, BRFSS, chronic disease surveys, vital statistics, demography rates, and other metrics for disease surveillance, prevention, and control
- Innovative partnerships and collaborations in community and population health (e.g., government, private sector, community/faith-based organizations, nonprofits, foundations)
Clinical Preventive Medicine
Chair: Sherry Mills MD, MPH
Vice Chair: Victoriana Schwartz MD
The Clinical Preventive Medicine track presents cutting edge research and scholarly work on current guidelines regarding the clinical practice of preventive medicine. This track covers all clinical care related to preventive medicine including lifestyle medicine, occupational medicine, aerospace medicine, addiction medicine, hyperbaric medicine, preventive primary care. Sessions will address gaps in knowledge as well as optimal practices for preventive medicine professionals and health systems. Topics may include the following:
- Understanding obesity as a chronic disease and its management in clinical preventive medicine, including lifestyle medicine core concepts
- Opportunities to advance, expand, and enhance the clinical preventive medicine skills base and clinical acumen of preventive medicine specialists
- Advocating for change in practice, policy, and/or legislation, at the practice, healthcare system, local or federal level that supports clinical preventive medicine, including lifestyle medicine
- Managing the evolving legal, regulatory and policy landscape affecting clinical preventive medicine practice in U.S. (e.g., women’s healthcare, family planning)
- Utilizing effective health promotion techniques and strategies to promote prevention (e.g., social media)
- Discussing effects of changes in USPSTF and CPSTF guidelines on clinical preventive medicine delivery of care and health system policies (e.g. cancer prevention, addiction medicine, etc.)
- Strengthening business models for viable preventive medicine and lifestyle medicine practices
- Leveraging novel technologies such as use of telehealth, biomedical engineering, and artificial intelligence (AI) in clinical preventive medicine practice
- Providing clinical preventive services using remote and/or asynchronous methods (e.g., obtaining patient data from journals, portals, wearables)
- Examining the ongoing impact of COVID-19 on clinical preventive medicine, including lifestyle medicine
- Managing clinical preventive medicine in marginalized populations including persons with disabilities persons, persons identifying as LGBTQ+, and others
- Impact of environmental health on clinical preventive medicine
Global Health
Chair: Elizabeth Erickson MD, MPH
Vice Chair: Michael Jan, MD, MPH
The Global Health track will highlight the range of preventive medicine efforts in global health and increase awareness of opportunities available for preventive medicine physicians to work in the global health space. Global health is generally defined as a field of practice and research that pursues population health improvement and the achievement of health equity worldwide. This track strives to be inclusive of all preventive medicine work in global health, regardless of setting. Examples of desired topics include:
- Global health program implementation that supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals
- Global health security, biodefense, and biosurveillance programs and initiatives
- Examining how prevention-oriented approaches are impacting global health outcomes
- Impact of social, legal, regulatory, or policy interventions on global health outcomes
- The role of good governance in national or regional population health improvement efforts
- Health diplomacy and utilization of global health to support U.S. national strategic priorities
- Projects that measurably demonstrate the impact of non-health systems to global health outcomes (e.g., educational interventions to improve reading, writing, and numerical literacy, and health literacy)
- Evaluating the effect of ecological and multi-sectoral approaches on global health outcomes (e.g., One Health and other models that account for animal-human-environment interactions)
- Preparing for and mitigating climate change-related global health impacts
- Application of lessons learned from global health settings and experiences in local public health or clinical interventions or programs
- National and transnational advocacy for global health
- Funding for prevention and global health research
April 18-21, 2024
Washington, D.C.